Broward Monthly Lunch Meeting

  • Tuesday, October 13, 2015
  • 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
  • The Tower Club, One Financial Plaza, 28th Floor, 100 SE 3rd Avenue


Registration is closed

Performance Management: Time to get off the Hamster Wheel

Presented by

Jim Gallo, MS, SPHR
Associate Director
The Center for Organizational Effectiveness
Florida Institute of Technology

Employees can be a major source of competitive advantage and organizations understand that performance feedback is important for human capital development.  Yet supervisors often put minimal effort into performance assessments, and subsequently employees receive the same minimal benefit.  Effective on-going feedback is key to the success of any performance management program. The lack of a performance feedback dialoged within organizations can be a silent killer. We believe the practice of revamp, revise and incorporate new performance management systems are often misguided strategies and of little value to organizations without understanding the individual complexities of feedback and the context in which they exist.

 It is time to change the performance management paradigm and get off the Hamster Wheel of insanity!  This session will explore the science of why performance management systems (PMS) continue to be the Achilles heel in performance improvement and will provide practical solutions on changing the paradigm.

This event is approved for 1 hour of CLM  HR re-certification

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