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Broward Monthly Lunch Meeting

  • Thursday, January 11, 2018
  • 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr 200 East Las Olas Boulevard Suite 1000 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-2299


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2018 Hot Topics - Employment Law

The latest issues with discrimination, sexual harassment and retaliation in the workplaces and the laws that govern, along with practical applications an employer can take to protect itself and educate its employees to provide a more safe working environment.


Attorney Janell Stanton J.D. is the Director of Communications with myHRcounsel, where she advises employers on all facets of employment and labor law including proper hiring, interview, discipline and termination procedures, leave issues, wage and overtime standards, discrimination and retaliation claims, and compliance with federal, state, and municipal laws. Janell is a frequent speaker to clients, partners and associations on these same subjects.

Janell is passionate about volunteering and currently volunteers for Wills For Heroes, an organization that write pro bono wills, powers of attorney, and health care directives for police officers, firefighters, and EMTs.  She has also represented indigent clients through ProJustice MN.

CLM® Application Credit for Functional Specialists: 1 hour in the subject area of Human Resources Management  (HR)  towards the additional hours required of some Functional Specialists to fulfill the CLM application.

CLM® Recertification Credit: 1 hour in the subject area of Human Resources Management  (HR)

Disclaimer: The South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators is a separate legal entity from the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA). ALA licenses the use of its name, mark, logos and other protected properties to chapters which are in good standing. ALA disclaims all liability or responsibility whatsoever for the actions, representations and liabilities of the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators, specifically including those of any nature whatsoever arising from or out of the content or other features related to the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators web site. In no event shall ALA be deemed the guarantor of the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators. Visit National for more information. www.alanet.org

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