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Broward Monthly Lunch Meeting

  • Thursday, November 15, 2018
  • 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Greenspoon Marder 200 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1800 Ft Lauderdale


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Moneyball for Law Firms – Using Data to Build Major 


Cindy A. Melfa is the managing partner of Affinity Consulting Group’s Naples, FL office. Prior to joining Affinity, she was the founder and president of Legal-Tech Solutions, Inc. Cindy is a certified law office software consultant with over 25 years’ experience in law firm accounting, financial workflow and management, practice management, and document management. With an educational background in management and marketing, and prior employment as a law firm real estate closer and firm administrator, Cindy consults with law firms throughout the United States and Caribbean on law office software as well as sophisticated practice management issues.

Cindy is a graduate of Florida International University (B.A.), and a certified consultant/trainer, maintaining certifications in such popular law office software products such as PCLaw, and Amicus Attorney, and Actionstep.

Besides actively consulting on law office productivity and management issues, Cindy has served on the LexisNexis Certified Consultants panel, the PCLaw Product Advisory Board, and Amicus Attorney President’s Club, in addition to conducting webinars for LexisNexis.

In her free time, Cindy enjoys travelling, cooking, walking, Jimmy Buffet Parrothead charitable and social activities, and spending time with her family

Anyone with even a passing interest in baseball knows it’s a game of statistics. There are stats for everything. Yet, traditional baseball managers and scouts often relied on only a few statistics in combination with hunches and “gut” feelings when evaluating players. Too often, legal professionals try to achieve success the same way.  In sports, it’s easy to know who’s winning and who’s losing – just look at the scoreboard. Running a law firm isn’t all that different. A few simple numbers can show legal professionals everything they need to know about the health of their practice. In this session, you’ll learn to use data to drive your decisions, which stats to measure and how to effectively apply the changes you need. Moneyball Management can be your firm’s game-changer!

CLM® Application Credit for Functional Specialists: 1 hour in the subject area of  Legal Industry/ Business Management (LI) towards the additional hours required of some Functional Specialists to fulfill the CLM application.

CLM® Recertification Credit: 1  hour in the subject area of Legal Industry/ Business Management (LI)

Disclaimer: The South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators is a separate legal entity from the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA). ALA licenses the use of its name, mark, logos and other protected properties to chapters which are in good standing. ALA disclaims all liability or responsibility whatsoever for the actions, representations and liabilities of the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators, specifically including those of any nature whatsoever arising from or out of the content or other features related to the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators web site. In no event shall ALA be deemed the guarantor of the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators. Visit National for more information. www.alanet.org

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