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Monthly Meeting (Evening)- No Regrets Formula

  • Tuesday, June 13, 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Saul Ewing, 701 Brickell Ave, Miami


  • Limit (4) Attendees
  • Limit (2) Attendees
  • Limit (2) Attendees
  • Limit (1) Attendees

Registration is closed

The pandemic taught us that life can change drastically in a moment. And it caused most people to evaluate whether they were living the life they truly desired. Living with No Regrets means taking risks, learning from your experiences, and living life to the fullest.

Through colorful personal stories, LeeAnn shares her No Regrets Formula™ for how she has thrived when others would fail. From growing up in chaos, to starting a national dating trend, to becoming an Ironman® Finisher, LeeAnn’s unique system has helped her, and her audiences, flourish, no matter the circumstances.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand how to tap into your full potential
  2. Be empowered with a proven process and tools you can use immediately
  3. Discover how to self motivate in any situation
  4. Start living life with No Regrets

LeeAnn Marie Webster is an entrepreneur, lawyer, and coach with 20+ years’ experience in marketing and business development in a range of industries.  She’s an experienced motivational speaker and a Moth® Story Slam winner.

*CLM® Application Credit: 1 hour in the category of Self-Management Skills

*CLM® Recertification Credit: 1 hour in the category of Communication and Organizational Management

Disclaimer: The South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators is a separate legal entity from the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA). ALA licenses the use of its name, mark, logos and other protected properties to chapters which are in good standing. ALA disclaims all liability or responsibility whatsoever for the actions, representations and liabilities of the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators, specifically including those of any nature whatsoever arising from or out of the content or other features related to the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators web site. In no event shall ALA be deemed the guarantor of the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators. Visit National for more information. www.alanet.org

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