SESSION TITLE: A Supervisor’s Guide To Promoting Diversity And Preventing Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination And Retaliation
SESSION DESCRIPTION: Time and again, organizations learnundefinedoften too lateundefinedthat the failure of a manager or supervisor to recognize basic employment law principles from the beginning leads to increased employee complaints reduced productivity and, inevitably, litigation. Whether you are a seasoned veteran who has never been trained on legal responsibilities, a newly promoted manager or a professional challenged by the delicate balance between leadership and lawful workplace practices, this focused program can prove essential to your success and the well-being of your organization.
Recognizing that prevention practices, legal compliance and proper response procedures are paramount in today’s litigious business environment, this seminar will equip managers and supervisors with a solid foundation in employment law practices that affect employee relations throughout the work cycle. The focus is on providing developing leaders with a quick, first step introduction to the key employment laws that govern their managerial conduct and decisions. We will also examine how misconduct can create organizational and individual liability.
PRESENTOR: Jonathan A. Beckerman, Shareholder with Littler Mendelson. Jonathan concentrates his litigation practice on representing employers in a wide array of labor and employment law matters, including cases involving:
§ Wrongful termination
§ Employment discrimination
§ Workplace harassment
§ Public accommodation
§ Wage and hour matters
§ Employee leave issues
He also has extensive experience defending management in collective and individual actions asserted under:
§ The Fair Labor Standards Act
§ Title VII
§ The Americans with Disabilities Act
§ The Family and Medical Leave Act
Aside from his trial practice in state and federal courts, Jonathan represents employers before various administrative agencies, including the Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Florida Commission on Human Relations. He also counsels management on compliance strategies for minimizing potential litigation and he provides advice on the practical and legal implications of everyday employment decisions.