Webinar - South Miami

  • Wednesday, October 16, 2013
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Horr, Novak & Skipp, P.A., 9130 South Dadeland Blvd., Two Datran Center, Suite 1700, Miami, FL
  • 18


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As a benefit to ALA South Florida Chapter members, we invite you to attend the monthly webinar. No fee for South Florida Chapter members.

To attend webinar in South Miami, please RSVP to Bernadette Peters at bpeters@admiral-law.com

Saying the Hard Things with Aloha (CM)

Great leaders are great communicators, particularly when things get hard. Whether delivering a poor performance review or downsizing and letting people go, conveying difficult messages is one of the most challenging things a manager does. The word Aloha can mean many things, including compassion, grace and charity. Learn how to communicate with Aloha to say the hard things without detracting from the message.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identify key words and phrases that help soften the blow of bad news without undermining the message
  • Discuss ways to strengthen communication in many of the face-to-face settings within the law firm

Jayson L. Dibble, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Hope College specializes in relational communication, particularly within face-to-face settings. His research areas include interpersonal communication, persuasion, health, and youth and family communication. His current interests are in the dynamics and communication implications regarding the interpersonal delivery of bad news. 

For Live Program Only:  (Note that only the CLM credit available for this webinar is stated below. If a credit is not stated, it is not available for this program.)

CLM Recertification Credit: 1 hour of credit in the subject area of Communication & Organizational Management (CM).

CLM℠ App Credit (General): 1 hour of credit in Communication Skills for those seeking to fulfill the CLM application; 

---or ---
CLM℠ App Credit (Functional Specialists): 1 hour in the subject area of Communication & Organizational Management (CM) towards the additional hours required of some Functional Specialists to fulfill the CLM application. 

Disclaimer: The South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators is a separate legal entity from the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA). ALA licenses the use of its name, mark, logos and other protected properties to chapters which are in good standing. ALA disclaims all liability or responsibility whatsoever for the actions, representations and liabilities of the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators, specifically including those of any nature whatsoever arising from or out of the content or other features related to the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators web site. In no event shall ALA be deemed the guarantor of the South Florida Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators. Visit National for more information. www.alanet.org

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